With decades of experience in public facilities planning, Consor has deep roots in comprehensive water and wastewater system and facilities planning. Our large group of specialized hydraulic modelers and planners are passionate about partnering with utilities to develop planning documents that serve as a road map to best meet the needs of their communities. From assessing and overcoming system challenges and maintenance needs to getting ahead of long-term growth rates, anticipating environmental pressures, and identifying funding opportunities, our goal is to deliver reliable planning tools that are reflective of a community’s unique needs and vision.
Our Services
Water Supply Planning and Development
Water and Wastewater Facility Planning
Water and Wastewater System Planning
Hydraulic Modeling and Optimization
Pipeline and Facility Siting Studies
NEPA and Environmental Compliance
Related Projects

Water System Master Plan
To meet these new demands, our team worked to develop a comprehensive long-term plan for the water system.
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Wastewater System Analysis
A comprehensive capacity analysis of the wastewater collection system.
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Stormwater Master Plan
Consor assisted the City of Pendleton in developing concurrent stormwater, sewer, and water system master plans.
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