Strategic Planning & Communications
For decades, Consor has been a partner and trusted advisor for strategic planning, communications, facilitation, and community engagement/public involvement services. Combining our communications expertise with strong experience working beside technical staff, our team members have a proven track record of bringing diverse people together to envision, inspire, plan, and deliver our client partners’ most impactful projects.
How We Work

We tailor every approach.

We play a proactive role in project success.

We live by a people-first philosophy.
Featured Projects

Willamette Water Supply Program
Consor is leading the public involvement for the Willamette Water Supply System project, which serves five communities.

Bend Transportation Funding
Consor directed opinion research, public education and funding strategies for Bend’s $190M bond measure.

Emigration Canyon Pavement Improvements
Consor provided design and public involvement services for this pavement improvement project.

El Paso Water CIP Communications Augmentation
Consor augmented El Paso Water's in-house construction communication team.

WIFIA Funding Advisory Services
Consor helped multiple agencies navigate the WIFIA application process for small and large community funding.

Bull Run Treatment Projects
Consor is assisting Portland Water Bureau with public involvement and communications through their 9-year Bull-Run project.

Mission-Vision-Values Strategic Plan
Consor used surveys and interviews to gather information that was used to update a strategic planning framework.

Mukilteo Stormwater Comprehensive Plan
Consor engaged the community through meetings and outreach, allowing the public to shape a stormwater plan.