Montana Vista Funding Fairs

El Paso Water

To help Montana Vista residents apply for state funding to defray the costs of hooking up to new first-time wastewater service in their community, Consor collaborated with El Paso Water to craft a multi-platform, bilingual outreach strategy with a focus on face-to-face interaction. Through a series of “Funding Fairs,” residents received in-person support completing applications, asking questions, and interacting with utility staff through information booths and games. These events drew approximately 500 residents and provided resources that were accessible to all.

In addition to managing state-mandated survey responses and reporting requirements, Consor helped El Paso Water publicize the events through door-to-door outreach, direct mail, yard signs, posters, social media, and media relations. To maximize engagement, all materials were created in English and Spanish. The Montana Vista Funding Fairs were included in the suite of ongoing public involvement services that Consor provides for projects in construction across El Paso Water’s Capital Improvement Program. Consor has embedded with El Paso Water’s communications team to provide outreach services, including hosting public meetings (virtual and in-person), providing door-to-door outreach, producing videos, and serving as a liaison between the owner’s construction managers and communications teams.

Project Highlights

  • Bilingual public outreach
  • External funding assistance
  • Public relations and community engagement

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