Local Agency Bridge Inspection (Area 3)
Consor is currently performing NBIS inspections of local agency owned bridges within four counties of western Oregon. In addition to initial, routine, damage, and hands-on NSTM inspections, this contract requires boring timber elements, hands-on inspection of fatigue prone details (Category D, E, or E’) on steel members, and measurement of channel profiles. Annual inspection volume consists of approximately 100 bridges per month from May through October. Element data, SI&A updates, and maintenance recommendations are reported in the ODOT BrM system and supplemental inspections are submitted using the required ODOT format. Consor has used a variety of access methods to complete assigned inspections, including ladders, waders, kayak, underbridge inspection vehicle (UBIV), and industrial rope access. All timber borings are conducted using a digital resistograph drill for efficient, accurate, and minimally invasive evaluation.