Kauai County Bridge Inspections
County of Kauai, Hawaii
Consor has provided NBIS routine inspection of 32 bridges countywide under four consecutive contracts. Consor’s structural assessment team performed underwater diving inspections for the Hanapepe and Nawilwili bridges, as well as a fracture critical inspection for the Puuopae bridge. Each inspection includes the preparation of a comprehensive engineering report comprised of an executive summary, narrative description of findings, evaluation and assessment, recommendations, location maps, photographs, sketches, and NBI rating forms and tables. Under a separate task, the Consor team also conducted load ratings analyses for 18 bridges using BRASS software. The load ratings involved reviewing existing bridge plans, previous load rating information, and inspection reports, as well as providing final load rating summary reports.
Project Highlights
- Routine inspections and underwater inspections of bridges countywide
- Repairs for two bridges were added to the initial scope