Homestead Extension of the Florida Turnpike (HEFT) Widening and Express Lane
Consor is providing construction engineering and inspection services for this 1,070-day, $111.5M design-build project. The 3.15-mile project consists of the widening of the Homestead Extension of Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT) to 10 travel lanes with four interior express lanes. The improvements also include the widening of the HEFT bridges over SW 8th Street and Flagler Street, as well as replacement of the Coral Way Bridge. The tolling points at SW 8th Street will be modified to accommodate proposed ramp improvements. Interchange modifications will be done at the HEFT and the SR 836 interchange by providing flyover direct express lane connector ramps to and from SR 836. The ITS main fiber communication backbone will be replaced along with all connected devices (cameras, digital messaging systems, toll plazas, vehicle detection systems, and travel time systems, etc.).
Project Highlights
- Widening and extensive improvements of SR 821 from an eight-lane section to a 10-lane section with four interior express lanes