Gladding Road Over Doty Creek Bridge Emergency Repair
In summer 2021, a vehicle struck the Gladding Road over Doty Creek Bridge in Placer County, California, damaging the bridge approach guard railing and the steel truss on the southeast corner. The County reached out to Consor for assistance in inspecting and assessing the condition of the bridge. A site visit revealed that the end post of the steel pony truss was deflected longitudinally and the metal railing was damaged. The bridge was closed to public traffic until repairs could be completed.
Due to the nature of the road closure, completing the repairs quickly was critical to the success of the project. The Consor design team worked quickly to develop a repair strategy and design the temporary support mechanism and final repair details. Consor’s structure representative and construction inspector supported the County resident engineer with construction management services. Working with the contractor, this team reviewed and implemented time-critical work plans, including for lead paint abatement and disposal, debris containment, temporary support (falsework), heat straightening, and Skidmore Testing Machine calibration, as well as reviewed and approved various materials submittals. Through responsiveness service and close collaboration, our team helped facilitate an incredibly quick turnaround to improve the safety of this bridge, allowing it to be open to public traffic as soon as possible. From assessing the damage through design to construction, our team helped deliver this project in just five months!
Project Highlights
- Innovative support system that avoided foundation work in the channel
- Use of local containment systems to avoid contaminating the environment with paint debris
- Lightweight, temporary scaffolding that provided worker access while minimizing impacts to the channel
- Received awards for ASCE, Sacramento Section, 2022 Outstanding Bridge Project and APWA, Sacramento Chapter, 2022 Project of the Year, Emergency Repair