Foresthill Bridge Seismic Retrofit
Placer County, California
The fourth tallest bridge in the U.S., the Foresthill Bridge sits 730 feet above the North Fork of the American River in Placer County, California and is 2,428 feet long. The project team was responsible for the seismic evaluation of the existing bridge, development of the seismic strategy and implementation of the seismic strategy and rehabilitation in terms of the development of the Plans, Specifications and Estimates. In addition, the team provided construction design support, which included all the review of the structural steel drawings, temporary supports and temporary construction sequence submittals.
Project Highlights
- The bridge is the largest use of buckling restrained braces (BRB) in a bridge seismic application after completely proof testing the devices prior to installation.
- APWA Sacramento Chapter – 2014 Project of the Year
- WTS 2014 innovative transportation solutions award