Douglas County Traffic Fiber Mapping and Design
Consor recently assisted Douglas County in Colorado with a major effort to locate, audit, and map their fiber optic network. Consor collected detailed information on Douglas County Traffic Division’s 50 miles of fiber, 1,000 pull boxes, and 150 traffic signal cabinets, including GPS points every 100 feet. The work also included collecting all existing fiber splicing and terminations. Consor was then able to connect the myriad of information into a highly accurate representation of the fiber network using GIS-based fiber mapping software that provided the County with detailed information of their fiber assets. Following the data collection and entry, Consor produced two sets of fiber construction plans, specifications, and estimates, covering eight miles of backbone installation and including SUE investigations for all corridors. The work is under construction now, and Consor continues to support the County through providing construction management and inspection.
Project Highlights
- GIS fiber mapping provided the City detailed information for maintaining their fiber assets
- Fiber optic network design