This Underwater Inspector Is Helping Update the FHWA Reference Manual
Jake Cochran doesn’t just follow the Federal Highway Administration Underwater Bridge Inspection Reference Manual, he’s helping update it. FHWA selected Consor’s structural assessment team to update the manual to align with the recently updated National Bridge Inspection Standards.
“It’s been an honor to have a hand in this important manual,” stated Jake. “It will be used to help train underwater bridge inspectors for years to come, which is critical to ensuring the safety of the traveling public.”
So, how did Jake get here? While serving in the United States Army, Jake worked as a salvage diver reclaiming sunken equipment, completing hydrographic surveys, inspecting marine structures, and assisting in underwater construction. After completing his service, Jake studied civil engineering at The Ohio State University. Pair Jake’s diving experience with his engineering knowledge and you get someone perfectly suited to inspect bridges below the surface!
“I’m very proud of my time and service in the U.S. Army. Back then and into my career now, I find boredom is my biggest motivator. After a few weeks in the office, I’m ready to get back to diving in the field, especially when I get to inspect a unique bridge in a location new to me.”
We’re honored to have Jake and his knowledgeable coworkers on the structural assessment team helping move the industry forward. Jake’s dedication to serving his country, community, and industry colleagues embodies Consor’s core value of integrity.