Two Lessons This Safety Specialist Lives By
Christy Caputo lives and breathes Consor’s core value of integrity—taking care of each other unites us. This South Carolina-based senior safety specialist has made it her career to partner with other subject matter experts to protect her coworkers from harm. And with many in high-risk positions—construction inspectors, industrial divers, rope-access technicians, and more—it’s no easy feat.
“I see my teammates as my clients, and I have a responsibility to ensure their needs are being met,” said Christy. “Whether it’s ordering personal protective equipment (PPE), addressing safety concerns with management, or retooling procedures to mitigate work task hazards, I do it all for my team.”
One of Christy’s biggest responsibilities is continually assessing Consor’s policies and procedures for efficacy and usability. Though Christy has a bachelor’s in occupational safety and health, she’s learned the most just by being in the field. She knows that effective safety policies and procedures must be accessible and achievable on site and vetted by those doing the work.
“Two lessons that stick with me are that people don’t know what they don’t know and you shouldn’t determine safety expectations from a desk. It all comes down to asking for help and respecting field workers’ needs,” shared Christy. “Safety is won or lost on the ground floor; safety expectations that are difficult to meet in practice make these team members feel like their needs are misunderstood or disregarded.”
It’s this motto that keeps Christy busy connecting with her colleagues in the field and providing resources that support their health and happiness. We’re honored to have such a compassionate, informed professional championing safety at Consor.